This Week's Service
Beacon Dialogue
March 23 at 10 am
The vision of UUCCI is "To be a beacon for diverse religious thought and courageous action." With the continued development of the interfaith campus and the growth of programs and opportunities for engagement with our interfaith partners, we are beginning a new opportunity for shared learning. Beacon Dialogues are one on one public conversations between two people from different backgrounds and religious identities. For the first Beacon Dialogue, the Rev. Nic Cable will welcome Brittany Phillips for a conversation around Paganism and Unitarian Unviersalism.
Last Week's Service
Hope Springs Eternal
​In our lives, we sometimes experience Winters that seem as though they may never end, especially in Indiana. To celebrate the beginning of Spring, we will explore hope as a spiritual practice, and consider how we can embrace being sowers of seeds, eternal optimists, or just plain stubborn in the face of adversity. Please join us in welcoming our guest speaker Brittany Phillips as she shares her perspective as a UU and Pagan on the importance of being a steward of hope for ourselves and for others.
Upcoming Events
Women's Group
Tuesday, March 18 at 7:00pm
held at 4453 Mallard Point Columbus, IN
Gathering at Carol Kostrzewsky's house. 4453 Mallard Point at 7pm. We will discuss the book, The Serviceberry by Robin Wall Kimmerer, a botanist who writes about giving, gratitude and reciprocity. The book is available in the public library, used on Thriftbooks.com, or in our local independent bookstore, Viewpoint, where you will get a 20% discount if you mention the UU Women's Group. We are listed with the book clubs. It's a very short book so we should be able to share copies. If you don't get a chance to read the book, come anyway. Attendees are asked to bring a small item they already have that they would like to give away. Light snacks and drinks will be provided.
Tuesday, April 15th. Meeting at the church Fellowship Hall. Liz Cleland will lead this meeting - topic and more information will be available as we get closer to the date.
Tuesday, May 20th. Jan Lucas's place in the country 7070 S 650 W Columbus IN 47201. We will celebrate Beltane, the Gaelic festival marking the midpoint between spring and summer as we welcome the season of fertility in nature. Hopefully a bonfire will be involved!
Band Practice
Wednesday, March 19 at 5:30 pm
For more information, contact Louise at music@uucci.org.
Choir Practice
Wednesday, March 19 at 7 pm
For more information, contact Louise at music@uucci.org.
Band Practice
Wednesday, March 26 at 7 pm
For more information, contact Louise at music@uucci.org.

Contact Us
If you have questions about our congregation or upcoming events, please reach out