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Sunday morning services are central to our gatherings. These services typically last for an hour and offer a wide variety of experiences from reverant outdoor Fire Communions to uplifting Rock-Paper-Scissors showdowns. Services are followed by coffee and activities in the Fellowship Hall (so stick around after service for some fun social activities). Here is what to expect.


We gather to find meaning and live more deeply. We gather to create connections within, among, and beyond us, calling us to our better selves, calling us to live with more wisdom and more compassion. 


Sunday services are offered in-person and past videos can be found on our Youtube channel.


Elements of a Sunday morning service usually include:

  • Opening Words of welcome and announcements

  • Lighting a chalice, the symbol of our faith

  • Wonderbox: A multigenerational story or reflection for all ages

  • Music in a variety of genres that enhances the spiritual experience

  • Sharing of joys and sorrows

  • Moment of silence for meditation or prayer

  • Readings: ancient or contemporary

  • Reflections: spiritually enriching writings from our Sunday Service Team

  • A sermon, or opportunity to delve into questions of purpose and possibility

  • An offering of financial support for both our congregation and a nonprofit that aligns with UUCCI’s values


Special celebrations include holidays, child dedications, and coming-of-age ceremonies.


When we meet in-person, children join in the first part of every service before departing to explore, question, and learn in age-appropriate religious education classes. For more about religious education at UUCCI, you are invited to contact Adrienne Summerlot, our Children's Ministry Coordinator.


What to wear: Wear what you please. You’ll see people in skirts and neckties but also in shorts and jeans.


Parking: If for mobility reasons you would like to park close to the building, you are welcome to one of the spaces near the sidewalk. Otherwise, you are welcome to park anywhere in the parking lot.


Arriving: Enter through the front entrance, which is wheelchair accessible. You’ll be greeted by a volunteer usher and offered an order of service. You may like to fill out a nametag. Feel free to chat or slip in quietly to find a seat. If you have questions or would like to learn more about UUCCI or sign up for our weekly emails, you can fill out the Connections card at the Welcome Table in the Fellowship Hall.


Accessibility: Our front entrance is wheelchair accessible, and space is always available in the sanctuary for wheelchairs, canes, and walkers. Please let our greeters know if you’d like assistance. If you call on a weekday prior to your visit (812-342-6230), we can help with your assistive listening device or provide a large-print order of service.


Where to sit: Seating is open; simply find a place that feels comfortable.


Singing: You’ll find a hymnal at your seat. The hymns chosen for the day are indicated in the order of service and also noted during the service. Feel free to sing, read, or listen along.


Post-service Social Hour: Please join us in Fellowship Hall for coffee, tea, and conversation. Most Sundays will also include fun events or gatherings of our many social groups and action teams.

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